Attention: Hey! Listen to us, We have a PROBLEM!

Bill O’ Reilly, a news anchor for Fox News has continued to use his rhetorical skills to instill fear in the minds of almost half of our country. There are several studies that have concluded that O’ Reilly’s way of rhetoric to leave people feeling confused and angry. A study published in an academic journal, Journalism Studies conducted by Indiana University includes content analysis, direct quotes and propaganda devices used during his episodes.
This study talks discusses how O’Reilly sets up battles on what is considered good and evil, “he was prone to inject fear into his commentaries and quick to resort to name-calling. He also frequently assigned roles or attributes — such as “villians” or downright “evil” — to people and groups.” While Bill O’Reilly is set in his ways with his opinioned facts he is helping to shape political ideologies for people who are watching.
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